Tips to boost your self confidence ♥

Hey everyone! 

Today I have decided to tell you a bit about street fashion and confidence!

So 'street fashion' is a type of fashion that is personal to you. It is something that displays your personality. 

A lot of you here are very young and a common problem with young people is confidence! Confidence, essentially, is the ability to trust yourself. If you lack confidence you probably won't be comfortable wearing what you think is 'cool' or 'on trend'.

Tips to help boost your confidence:

 Instead of thinking things like 'Lily has 600 followers on twitter and I only have 200'
 - think 'wow I have 200 followers'.

Of course it won't always be a situation like that but learning to stop comparing yourself to others is key to self confidence.

 You are your worst critic! The odds are that nobody else in the room is judging you except yourself. If you learn to accept yourself as you are, you will be much happier!

Refocus your thoughts to be more constructive than destructive.

 I'm going to quote Beyoncé now and tell you that "Perfection is a disease of a nation"
Achieving perfection is impossible!

Set achievable goals for yourself. Simply realize that there is something called good enough and when you are there then you are finished.

 We all know how tough it is to have enough confidence to over come our fears of 'perfection' and 'societies standards' but my advice is just to be yourself. ♥ 

You may not have a body like Beyonce or hair like that girl in class who sits beside you but if you are being true to yourself then you are perfect no matter who you are.

Until next week

Love Sarah ♥



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