A Rainbow of Hair

Hey everyone!

Today I'm talking about one of my favourite things, dyed hair! Whether it's in real life or Stardoll I love hair dyed in all sorts of colours, exhibit a: I dip dyed my hair pink!

There's a great variety of fun colours for your hair on Stardoll and here are my favourite dyes...

 This colour is just so fun and bright! And as someone who loves pink, I could never turn it down.

Another pink colour. I must be stopped. If you're too grown up for the fuchsia, this is perfect!

Remind yourself of the sea everytime you look into the ocean depths of your medoll's hair. Who doesn't love it?

 I will never not love lavender and this colour is no exception. More subtle than a bright purple but still gorgeous!

More pink! This is the last one I promise <3 Do I need to explain my love for this? No.. Not really, you can all guess!

 If the teal colour is the sea, this is the foam. Super fresh and bright!

 Was it supposed to be called lilac or just lila? Who knows?! But questions aside, this is such a beautiful colour, and who doesn't love a bit of purple?

Like these colours? The best thing is they're all available in Doree! Spruce up your hair this summer and go a little wild, because everyone needs hair to match their handbag.

Let me know your favourite colour below!

Have a fabulous week,
Beth xx



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