Outfit Ideas

 Hey guys, it has been a while since I have posted and well that is because I have been very busy irl. Never the less I am going to try and post more from now on. I refuse to let SDC die. So even though this is not my best post hope it serves you as inspiration.

Outfit #1

For this look I decided to take inspiration from a doll I visited a while ago. I wish I would remember her name to giver her credit but I don't, so. What you will need to achieve this look is these two jackets.
Perfect Boxy Blazer - LE
Everyday Long Blazer - It Girls

What we are going to do is layer them to achieve a cool long trench coat effect. 

I decided to pair the trench coat with a cool freebie dress and YH heels. To crop the dress I used the Underneath Stardoll bra. I believe this creates a really cool minimalistic look.

Outfit #2

 For this outfit I decided to recreate my favorite type of shoe at the moment. What you will need is:

Matte Classic Shoe - OTTO (You can use which ever shoe that is this type)
Strappi Stiletto Sandals - Bonjour Bizou

After layered we can see that we achieve this cool effect. I personally love this shoes and will wear them a lot in the near future.

Well guys thats it! Show me your outfits! Give me feedback!

- pinklovelemons
   Fetch? Fetch.



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