Kimono Folk Costume

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a good week! Today my article will be about another folk costume. This week will be about the Japanese Kimono. I made this article with the help of Rana (tweet497). She has a room in her suite that is a Japanese room and her room style is a kimono and I asked her if I could feature her in a folk costume article.

Kimono is a long robe with long sleeves and a high collar tied with a sash called an 'Obi'. They are always worn left side overtop of the right. You only see the right overtop the left when someone dies and is being buried. To make a kimono you require one whole bolt of material usually silk, brocade, crepe or satin and the bolt is called a 'tan'. A traditional kimono is hand sewn and hand decorated. Kimonos are worn with traditional shoes called 'geta' or 'zori' which are different kinds of clog sandals.

The earliest form of kimono came about in the 5th century AD. It used to be called 'gofuku'. The early kimonos were very heavily influenced by the hanfu dresses worn in China. Over time the style of kimonos changed and modified just like any other folk costume. During the 1800s the clothes Japanese people wore shifted from kimonos to Western clothes. Now kimonos are only worn on special occasions.

Here is what a kimono looks like:

Here is the look Rana put together on SD:

Thank you for reading and thank you Rana for letting me use her as a model. I hope you all have a great week!

-Amy Katrina, csi12asa

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