Submissions #10

Hey guys!

This week we got so many entries for the Halloween competition that more than half weren't shown in the poll. They are so amazing that I have to feature some of my favourites!



Here is a beautiful drawing by Beautygirl-love 

A spooky picture by Snowgirlz

And finally the winner of the #SpookyStoryComp
Angelasunshine3 (Contact Hsm3rocks11011 for your prize)

Here is her winning story

“Last night, there was the film
Night At the Museum on TV. It was great fun and I was really excited watching
it. At midnight, I was in bed, unable to fall asleep, still having all those
animated artifacts running wild on my mind. Suddenly, I seemed to see my toy
soldier on the bookshelf move a little bit. I bolted straight upright and moved
slowly towards it, hoping to confirm if it was really moving or not. It wasn’t really
moving, was it?

I inhaled deeply to calm myself
down. I definitely watched too much television. I laid down to try and sleep.
Suddenly, I heard footsteps from the corridor. All the blood in my veins froze.
That couldn’t be my imagination again, right? I peeped out of my room. Nope,
nothing was there – except my brother’s robot which was trotting down the corridor.

I wanted to scream but I couldn’t
because I was petrified. That’s when I glimpsed something at the corner of my
eye. My umbrella was flouncing up and down mid-air. Then I felt pain striking
my head and before I knew it, I fainted – but not before I heard a ghostly
voice saying, ‘You’ll be with me soon!’.”

Mum closed the story book she was
reading from. I quivered and asked, “Mum, is this real?”

Mum chuckled, “Of course it’s not
real, darling, it’s just a story. Now, close your eyes and sleep. You have
school tomorrow.” I nodded as she left the room, although I was still thinking
whether or not to believe her.

Suddenly, I seemed to see my toy
soldier on the bookshelf move a little bit. I bolted straight upright, rubbing
my eyes, and moved slowly towards it, hoping to confirm if it was really moving
or not.

It wasn’t really moving, was it?

Thank you all for your submissions and don't forget to submit next week Submit using the 'Contact Us' page. You can submit anything whenever you like! It doesn't have to be theme or Stardoll related

 See you next time ♥

Love Sarah



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