Callie's Picks ~ The Boys Club Review

This week we got an exciting new issue of Callie's Picks!

This (re)release features lots of boys clothes, including some gorgeous and wanted items I know I'm certainly adding to my wishlist!

I think the collection of clothes Callie chose to rerelease are great for a wide range of styles, from smart to grungy, casual to crazy, there's a lot of choice!
There are a couple of Mortal Kiss items, though after the Immortal Kiss issue some weeks ago the worst is probably over for the collectors of the desirable brand.

While, as always, Callie has caused a little upset over rereleased items I think this is a great opportunity to get some nice guys clothes (whether you have a guys doll or not!) without breaking the bank on the originals.

Here are my favourite items:

Finns Crumple Boots - 7sd
Purple Lace Ups - 5sd
Vintage Tuxedo Jacket - 12sd
Dress Shirt - 10sd
Basic Black Tie - 62sc
Windswept Coat - 24sd
Acid Pocket Tee - 7sd
Skinny Fit Jeans - 9sd
All in all, I love this collection, I may not have a boy doll but I'll definitely be buying a few items like the hats or that gorgeous long coat!

Beth xx

Question of the day: What are your favourite items?
Answer within 30 minutes of this post and you could win the Finn's Askew Cap from this collection!



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