Beth's Studying Tips

As many of you have exams coming up I thought it would be a great time to make this post!
Whatever the exam might be it can be really stressful so I'm sharing some of my tips to study efficiently and de-stress!

1. Sleep is essential!
Even if you have a load of revision to do, it's important to sleep. It will make studying easier and everyone loves sleep.

2. Copy out notes and homework!
Writing something again is a great way to imprint it on your mind, just make sure the notes/homework is right first!

3. Try not to procrastinate!
As a great procrastinator I know how bad it can be, rather than putting off your work to watch TV or something, why not get something done? No-one wants to be cramming last minute.

4. Take adequate and relaxing breaks!
It may sound like a better plan to do non-stop revision for a few hours but it's much better to take breaks to do something you enjoy and refresh your mind than trying to study for hours on end.

5. Remove distractions!
They'll just make you want to procrastinate more. Make sure you're studying somewhere with no distractions, no TV and definitely no SDC! (sorry guys!)

6. Ask plenty of questions in class!
It can be much easier to have a teacher to explain things you don't understand than having to look at billions of pages when googling it. Ask questions!!!

7. Eat healthily!
Eating good food and enough of it can make a huge difference to make you feel more refreshed.

8. Plan your time well!
It can be hard to plan out your studying timetable but it's important to do so! It should make you feel less stressed too.

9. Exercise!
I'm no big fan of exercise but it is great for de-stressing, especially around exam time! Just go out for a jog in one of your breaks from studying and you'll come back feeling ready to revise.

10. Listen to music! (if you like!)
Not everyone likes music playing when they're studying but if you do, then play away!

11. Practice with past papers!
You can find lots of old papers online and they're great for revising! It gives you a good idea of what is coming up.

And remember:


Love Beth xx

QOTD: What are your tips for studying or de-stressing? My favourites will be added to the post so everyone can be helped out a little :)

P.S. I'll be reblogging lots of helpful studying things >>here<<



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