Featured Writer: Hilary_band13

Hello Y'all! 

Today we are going to discuss...*wait for it*...Bold Colors and how to properly wear them. 

Some colors that are classified in the bold category are: Red, Fuchsia, Magenta, Electric Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green, and Purple. Just to name a few. 

Here are a few outfits I made where the focus is the stand out clothing item.

In this set of outfits, your eye is drawn to the bold pop of color. This can be a good way to help distract from problem areas on your body, or places that you are self-conscious about. For example: if you are not comfortable with your legs, a bold pop pf color closer to your face helps deter the eye from looking at that problem area.
In this set you can see that you can mix and match bold pieces to make a stand out outfit. In the middle outfit, the paint splattered undershirt makes a fun and eye-catching statement when paired with the yellow pants.

Another way you can stand out amongst the crowd, fun colored accessories.
A fun sun hat can help to dress up or dress down any outfit. Bold necklaces are a great way to make a statement.

What bold colors do you like to incorporate into your outfits?

Stay beautiful Angel Darlings.



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