Gay Pride Month

Hello everyone!! This month is Gay Pride Month and to celebrate this I have put together some looks and information about Gay Pride Month. I know some of the readers here are LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual) and we should be proud to celebrate this month.

June is Gay Pride month in North America because it marks the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots which was a big movement for gay rights. The Stonewall riots occurred in 1969 in New York City when the local government passed a law prohibiting gay bars and night clubs. The riot started at a popular gay bar named 'The Stonewall Inn' between the police and the group of gay men, lesbians and drag Queens. This event and the subsequent marches later are considered big strides for the LGBTQIA community in North America.

Same sex marriage is officially legal in 20 countries around the world; Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Luxemburg, some parts of Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, The United Kingdom, and some states in The USA. Many other countries around the world are working on legalizing same sex marriage as well. Some countries will grant "Civil Unions" as they are called to gay and lesbian couples, however a civil union does not guarantee the same rights as a marriage does.

Although there are many countries that LGBTQIA people are welcomed and supported there are still 76 countries where being gay can get you life in jail or killed. Also many countries don't recognise gay unions at all.

The whole point of Gay Pride Month is to show that LGBTQIA people are normal and shouldn't be ashamed of who they are. They are people and should be treated as people, not second class citizens.

There are different flags to represent every group of the LGBTQIA community, but the rainbow flag is used to represent them all at once. Going with the rainbow theme I made 3 outfits on Stardoll to go with this article.

I hope you enjoyed my article and that if you are celebrating this month that you have a wonderful time and that you can feel free being who you are. 

Amy Katrina, csi12asa



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