Sarah's Studying Tips

Hello ♥ I hope you're all having a good week. If you didn't catch it in the title, this post is about studying! I know it's torture but it's something we have to do.

Beth made a post last May about her studying tips so this year I thought I'd share mine this year. If you're doing exams or have done them already then good luck!

I admit that I didn't study a lot when I was in high school and I have come to regret it so much. I was less than half a grade away from getting into the college I wanted to be in. I would hate if this happened to any of you. Studying is so important and a lot of us don't realize it until it's too late.

Before I write a mini novel here are my top tips! They might not work for you but if you struggle with studying it's worth a try. Please share your tips in the comments too!

1. Flash cards

It sounds like so much effort but even making them alone will help you remember things.

2. Don't start a day before finals

It's so tempting to put it off and cram as much as possible in at the last minute. Don't even start a week before. If it's not too late start now. The longer you leave it, the harder it will be. It's not worth the risk.

3. Get enough sleep

Caffeine will keep you up but at some point you'll crash and sometimes that can be in the middle of an exam. It's better to avoid this and get enough sleep. You will learn things twice as fast if you're not exhausted.

4. Write colourful notes

Another thing that helps me a lot is writing notes with bright coloured pens. Just write the subject and main points but read through everything you need to know twice and use the key words to help you remember points.

When I had to remember and 5 page history essays in high school I used to take 12 words from the essay or from a chapter in a book and use them to recall everything else.

5. Avoid procrastination

I know this is like saying stop breathing for some of us but you need to and can force yourself to do something. If you work hard now you can relax more later.

If you didn't do anything all year and you're cramming in as much as you can the day before the exam (like I did) my best tip is to take a few topics (I usually studied 5) that are likely to come up and leave everything else. You can't get through a whole year of work in a night but you could get lucky with the few you have chosen and pass.

I really hope you get the results you hope for! If you're stressed, take a break but don't take a 20 day break.

I know it's hard but it'll be worth it.

화이팅 ♥




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